Mommy Makeover

Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego and La Jolla

Motherhood is an amazing accomplishment. Raising a child can be an enlightening, joyful experience. However, the physical toll of motherhood can also be a source of stress and insecurity for many women. Childbirth and breastfeeding can have major effects on a woman’s figure. For some women, their bodies can feel almost unrecognizable! Fall in love with your body again with a Mommy Makeover, a highly tailorable combination of body contouring treatments.

You deserve to feel proud of your body. Want to learn more about how a Mommy Makeover can restore your smooth, tight, youthful figure? Contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Sadi Erfani.

Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover involves combining popular plastic surgery procedures to help bring back one’s pre-pregnancy figure, look, and self-esteem.

Mommy Makeovers are safe, highly customizable procedures that restore a woman’s body to a smooth, youthful contour.

Physiologic and hormonal changes caused by pregnancy and natural aging often result in unwelcome developments like sagging breasts, excess skin, fat accumulation around the tummy and flanks, and development of scars and stretch marks. Despite proper exercise, diet and time these highly visible reminders tend to persist. Due to the way that pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding strain patient’s skin, muscle, and breast tissue, most of the changes a woman’s body experiences during motherhood cannot be corrected without cosmetic or surgical intervention. Mommy Makeovers have helped thousands of women feel happy, proud, and comfortable with the attractive shape of their bodies again.

What’s Involved in a Mommy Makeover

The most frequently performed type of Mommy Makeover procedure combines:

Breast surgery

Dr. Erfani will discuss patient’s breast augmentation and implant options with them during their discreet, informative consultation.

Breast lift of the deflated tissue that will make the natural breast tissue more compact, making the breasts appear more “perky”, but also making the breasts smaller, therefore breast augmentation is usually advised as well in order to obtain a more proportional or desirable result.

In part one of this Mommy Makeover video, plastic surgeon, Dr. Sadi Erfani provides an informative narration about breast augmentation surgery as he performs on a patient.


Pregnancy puts strain on the patient’s abdominal skin and muscles. The muscles may even tear during pregnancy or child labor. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, addresses the abdominal walls by removing stretched, damaged and excess skin. A tummy tuck is performed with a single incision low on the abdomen. While a tummy tuck will not specifically target patients’ stretch marks, the procedure often removes the lower abdominal skin, where many patients experience the majority of their stretch marks. The “hourglass” figure is achieved by tightening the internal girdle of the trunk as well. Once your abdominal muscles have been repaired or tightened, and your excess skin and tissue are removed, your abdominal skin will be laid in a flat, attractive abdominal shape. Liposuction can be performed to improve the contour achieved during a tummy tuck, or it can be performed as its own body contouring treatment, on a wide variety of locations on the body.


Usually necessary (in varying degrees) for the flanks, back, arms, armpits, hips, and thighs. Liposuction is used to sculpt the areas around and also outside the trunk. As everyone is different, this procedure may or may not be “included” based on the strategies discussed in consultation.

Face, Neck and or Eyelid Lift

Many Moms want a fresh face that resembles their pre-mommy years, not just a great body. By our late 30’s and early 40’s we already start to see the changes in our face from aging. Sagging pre-jowls, double-chins, lower eyelid fat bags, excess upper eyelid skin, etc can be restored to provide a youthful appearance.

Fat Transfer

Facial fat transfer is a procedure that uses the fat from the unwanted body areas to carefully, strategically move that fat to the areas of the face which need “softening” to reduce the “cadaveric” or skeletonized appearance on the bony areas which have lost that beautiful “baby fat” over the years.

A lack of facial fat is usually how we (meaning plastic surgeons) can tell that someone is in their 30’s and not in their 20’s.

One of the paradoxes of aging is the behavior of fat in our aging faces and bodies. For the body, we are all aware of those “stubborn” hips, thighs, front of the belly, back or love-handles, that so many people complain about. Why does the fat have to accumulate in those places? On the flip side, as we age, we LOSE the desirable areas of fullness on our face, specifically the cheekbones, temples and around the chin. This is evident as early as the 30’s in most people.

Fat transfer can be one of the essential components of a full rejuvenation process. Just think of those people from the 80’s with their artificial facelifts looking all stretched out and freaky but really no younger. What was missing? THE FAT.


The primary advantage of a Mommy Makeover is the impact it has on our patient’s lives. Women experience boosts in confidence and feel more like themselves. Another benefit that is appreciated by our patients is how each procedure is customized. No matter your concern, your Mommy Makeover surgery will be hand-tailored to improve the areas you wish to see improved. A Mommy Makeover can extend from your face to your abdomen and treat anything in between. We will help you down the path to a more comfortable, confident you.


The best candidates for this treatment are Moms. You put in the hard work and now it’s time to get your body back. We will accentuate your curves and help you feel comfortable wearing your favorite clothes.


If you are finished having children and ‘dream’ about getting some of your old self back come in for a Mommy Makeover consultation to learn more about this life-changing and self-empowering procedure.


Dr. Erfani will inform you of the best way to get ready for your Mommy Makeover.

Preparation will relate to the method being applied. As with any surgery, you will need to fill prescriptions, arrange transportation, and set aside an area of your home to recover in. Following Dr. Erfani’s instructions will help you have your best treatment and recovery. Give our office a call if you have any questions, concerns, or need to reschedule.


When you arrive for your surgery, you will need to change into a gown. Your treatment area will be cleaned and marked. Anesthesia will be applied and once you are resting Dr. Erfani will begin surgery. Your body will be beautifully sculpted and improved. Dr. Erfani will take his time to make sure your desired aesthetic is achieved.

Each surgery will differ in time length. Dr. Erfani will notify you of the estimated time of your surgery and when you can expect to return home.


A Mommy Makeover is a comprehensive procedure combining different surgeries. Full recovery will have varying times as each individual is different. Patients who follow their individualized recovery instructions will see their best results.

Follow-up visits with your doctor over the next few months will be necessary to safely monitor individual improvement and recovery.

Slight to moderate discomfort, pain, swelling, and or limited mobility resulting from each area treated must be considered part of the process. Patients should expect to be at home resting for at least a week immediately after their procedure and resume normal walking activity after several weeks. Medications to aid in healing and fight infection will be taken. Compression garments will be worn to aid in recovery. Care and attention to surgically treated areas along with drains is essential.


You will notice improvements right away. The changes you notice will only get better with time as the swelling goes down and bruising diminishes. Final results will set in after about two months. The outcomes achieved by Dr. Erfani will last you years!

We encourage our patients to live a healthy lifestyle where they remain active and eat well. These habits will improve your overall health, help you maintain your weight and allow your results to look their best for a long time!

Mommy Makeover Cost

Because a Mommy Makeover can include a wide range of treatments, the cost of each procedure will differ for each patient. The best way to find out how much your personalized treatment will cost is to schedule a consultation with us. Give us a call today at (619) 323-2888 to set up a meeting with Dr. Erfani and get started on looking and feeling amazing!


What is included in a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover can include many different procedures and often includes breast surgery, abdominoplasty, liposuction, facelift or fat transfer. A Mommy Makeover is customized to the features and desired outcome of the patient.

How much does it cost for a Mommy Makeover?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover will be unique for each person. The best way to learn how much your treatment will cost is to give us a call. We will schedule you for a meeting with Dr. Erfani so you can learn the cost of your best treatment.

How long does it take to recover from a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeovers are often performed over a period of time and include multiple appointments. Downtimes are often one to two weeks and cosmetic enhancements scheduled two to three months apart.