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Rid Body Fat with Power Assisted Liposuction

Power Assisted Liposuction

An Effective Technique To Contour Unwanted Body Fat
By Sadi Erfani, MD

Anyone seriously considering Power Assisted Liposuction inevitably has serious questions about this dramatic procedure. Different types of liposuction surgery exist and as the Internet returns vast amounts of varying information it is often challenging to get satisfying answers.

What is Power Assisted Liposuction

Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) is a popular instrument option among plastic surgeons. Ultrasound, SmartLipo and Water Assisted Liposuction make up other device and technique choices utilized for contouring body fat. During a general liposuction procedure, fat is removed by a hollow suctioning wand called a cannula. The process can be tiring for doctors, especially if there is a large amount of fatty tissue to remove. With Power Assisted Liposuction, the cannula uses a specialized mechanical tip to create fast vibrations that quickly break up the cell walls of fat. The surgeon has greater precision in removing desired areas of fat without causing possible damage to surrounding body tissue and nerve vessels. The doctor is able to get excellent surgery results while exerting less effort.

Power Assisted Liposuction Benefits

One of the noteworthy benefits to using Power Assisted Liposuction is the ability to treating problem areas. The inner thighs, belly and breast areas among men are often difficult to sculpt. PAL allows for greater precision to remove fat while contouring these problematic regions on the body. The procedure time is quicker when compared to traditional liposuction as well. Developing open air bacterial infection is also lessened from the faster operation. In addition, doctors have reported up to 30% more fat had been taken out with Power Assisted Liposuction in comparison to other devices.

Liposuction Risks And Recovery

It is important to know that Liposuction carries some drawback risks. Because of age, body type and sex, everyone will heal differently. While recovery time can range from a week to a month, it can take up to six months for swelling to subside. Bleeding, bruising and lingering pain is always associated with all liposuction procedures.


Costs Of Liposuction

Depending on the Liposuction procedure, the typical surgery costs around $4000 on a national average. However, the area of the body and number of areas treated affect the costs of the procedure. Although liposuction is a serious procedure, the compounded ‘physical’ price one must pay for the treatment appears to be worth it. Despite the healing drawback risks, Liposuction remains one of the top five dominating plastic surgeries performed today. In 2015, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that there were 365,000 thousand Liposuction surgical procedures performed (a 1% increase over 2014). This procedure always provides the desired result: effective and dramatic body contouring of the body.

Liposuction Consultation

During a liposuction consultation, the plastic surgeon will meet the candidate to discuss and examine the proportions of one’s body to determine realistic goals and expectations of the client. One must remember that liposuction is designed to help contour away unwanted and troublesome body fat from a certain area. It is not meant for dramatically heavy weight loss. Power Assisted Liposuction provides a fantastic method to achieving a desired look.